Get To Know Hottie @DanielShoneye

What is your favourite part of creating content?
I like picking my favourite shots or editing the best part of the video I think my followers will enjoy!
What is your favourite type of underwear to wear?
Boxers, briefs, jockstraps or thongs? Briefs and jockstraps! Love a nice tight pair of briefs that make everything pop!
What made you want to become a model?
It was never a life goal. I just enjoyed training and opportunities came up fortunately.
Shop Thongs here!
What are your favourite JJ Malibu pieces to sport?
You’ve mastered your briefs so well. They make everything look great. I love the jean shorts too. Even the new smarter looking shorts fit like a glove! The bodysuits also get a great reaction!
Who are some role models of yours?
Simeon Panda used to be one of mine! His physique not personality. Erika Jane I LOVE! I like unapologetic big dominant characters who don't give a f**k!
What is the best part of having a large social media following?
I like training hard - producing a shoot and being able to share the results of a team collaboration. I’ve never had an interest in adoration or anything too vacuous. Not my reality.
Who has inspired you the most in your life?
Honestly it came from a lot of strangers who made me feel I was onto creating something that could be good. The guys in the gym or random people on the street who gave you the feedback you never asked for. Hahaha
What are your goals for the future?
I always want more and I always seem to achieve that. Never stop just keep thriving on doing well. Focus is shifting a little - to help others too and giving back where I can. Helping just yourself doesn’t feel so satisfying.
Where is somewhere you've never travelled to but always wanted to?
Hawaii - Just sounds amazing. Also Bali - even Toronto - never seems to happen hahah but it will!
Any exciting summer plans?
Circuit Barcelona, Madrid Pride, Gran Canaria Pride, more TBC!